Love & Respect – by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs (Thomas Nelson)

Love & Respect

Love & Respect - by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs (Thomas Nelson)

Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs

The core of Love & Respect by Dr.Eggerichs is to address the means by which couples can stay out of the “Crazy Cycle,” and enter the “Energizing Cycle.” It is based on Ephesians 5:33, Husbands love your wives… and wives respect your husbands.”

Eggerichs maintains that the key here is that women are built to love naturally, so they need to work on respecting their husbands unconditionally, and conversely that men are built to respect naturally, so their focus should be in loving unconditionally.

Being a man, and married for ten years, I can say it is not my first inclination to buy self-help books on marriage. However, I am very glad I chose this book to review. What helped me most is Eggerichs’s point that the person I am married to loves me, and though I oft misinterpret her, or fail to understand her viewpoint, she does mean well.

Also the appendices in the book are helpful with ideas that you can use to reinforce the lessons from the book.

One thing I didn’t care for is the amount of testimonials in the book. It felt almost like an infomercial at times, and I found myself skimming through them.

Thank you Thomas Nelson for allowing me to blog-review this.

~ by C.R. Mooney on November 2, 2009.

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